Acupuncture is an ancient healing art and one of the more well known modalities utilized by Chinese medicine practitioners. Sterile needles of varying lengths and gauges are used along the 15 acupuncture meridians and body terrain, after a through holistic consultation and assessment are performed by the doctor. Different needles and techniques are selected to help restore balance of the energetic movements in the body and to increase blood flow, which help reduce symptoms and treat the root cause of disease. There are many different styles and techniques of acupuncture that have been developed throughout extensive history of Chinese medicine, and all of our doctors at Mindful Medicine practice Traditional Chinese Medicine. The techniques that are selected for use in a treatment are based on several factors, including the condition(s) being treated, what imbalances are revealed during the evaluation and diagnosis by the practitioner, and the comfort level of the patient.
What Can Acupuncture Treat?
There are many conditions that can be treated with acupuncture and Chinese medicine. The most common condition that patients seek out an acupuncturist for initially is pain relief, both acute and chronic. This is due to that fact that acupuncture is very effective for pain relief and regaining lost function, and many people still suffer from pain despite numerous surgeries, medications, and failed attempts at relief from other modalities. Most of our patients are seeking to eliminate or reduce the need for pharmaceutical interventions for their acute and chronic symptoms.
Here is a general list of conditions that acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be effective at treating:
Pain management- acute and chronic pain from various origin
Infertility and pregnancy- difficulty conceiving, irregular menstruation, complications from pregnancy, breech baby, morning sickness, labor and delivery support and preparation
Allergies- seasonal and food allergies, sinusitis and sinus pain, hay fever, dermatitis, hives
Ear, eye, nose and throat disorders- tinnitus, deafness, dizziness, poor vision, sinusitis, sore throat
Weight loss- reduce food cravings, balance digestive system, increase energy and motivation for exercise and healthy living
Smoking, drug and alcohol cessation- reduce cravings for harmful substances, help balance the body, increase energy and motivation for healthy living
Stress management- helps to reduce stress and unwind from daily or major stressors, increases relaxation and body's ability to handle stress
Cancer support- support of immune system, nausea, fatigue
Acupuncture is best used as a preventative medicine, even though most of our patients find us because they are having specific symptoms. You do not need to have anything "wrong" to benefit from integrating acupuncture into your self-care routine to optimize your health and vitality. If you have questions about a specific condition and whether or not acupuncture and Chinese medicine may be beneficial to you, feel free to contact us with any questions.
Does Insurance Cover Acupuncture?
Many insurance plans have at least partial coverage for acupuncture treatments for pain conditions. All of our acupuncture providers are in-network with Carefirst Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare, and Aetna. Each plan has different coverage- including copay/co-insurances, if a deductible applies or not, and maximum number of visits allowed per year. We will check on the coverage for your specific policy. We can also contact your insurance adjuster to check for coverage for auto and work related accidents.
We are out of network providers with Cigna. Some Cigna policies (including the current policy with the Montgomery County school system) do have out of network benefits for acupuncture, and we do bill those Cigna plans with out of network coverage for your convenience. Medicare and Medicaid do not currently cover acupuncture performed by Licensed Acupuncturists. We offer discounted rates for our acupuncture services as part of the mission of our non-profit.
If your insurance policy does not have acupuncture coverage, you can also use any health savings or flex spending accounts for acupuncture.
Sliding Scale rates are available for acupuncture patients without insurance coverage on Medicare, Medicaid, or those with financial hardship. Please contact us and let us know how we can help, and all scheduling can be done online.